
Muntz/Shad (Rudy) Blood Money Interview with Vem Miller

Muntz/Shad (Rudy) Blood Money Interview with Vem Miller
Christopher Muntz and Shad Vick (Co-Plaintiffs in the law suit against Vinco Ventures and the Board of Directors) were interviewed by Vem Miller on . read more

Posted in News/Media, Videos

Self Represent In Court

Self Represent In Court
Today, April 21, 2023 Darryl and I entered the courthouse. We were literally making filings all night and even in the morning. Scott sent in some last minute pictures showing the empty Syracuse office.... read more

Posted in Court/Hearings, News/Media, Videos

First Video - with my take on some BBIG History

First Video - with my take on some BBIG History
I'm not much into doing stock analysis videos - but thought we needed one for $BBIG. Too much fishy stuff going on and hard to find who is at fault for the lack of management of our company. I've been.... read more

Posted in Twitter Pins, Videos