BBIG Shareholder Suit Picked Up by Review Journal

2023-07-18-115328-Clark-County-GOP-chairman-named-in-Vinco-Ventures-lawsuit-Las-Vegas-Review-Jou.pngOur BBIGfamily shareholder lawsuit has gained exposure - but this time from a political lens.  Jessica Hill of the ReviewJournal Las Vegas is a political reporter. She had been asking questions of Christopher Muntz and myself over the last 3 months. Little did we know she was writing a story that would get heads to turn.  It brought some major exposure to our case and the possible poltical angle of the players in our company.

I have some opinions on all of this - but without solid evidence I'll keep them at bay for now.

JD Sharp and Matt Anthony both VP & President of No RINO Nevada PAC also have been advocate for retail justice since the politial light has shined on Board of Director Jesse Law, since he is running for Clark County Republican Chair on July 18, 2023.

Here's the story: